Monday, October 17, 2011

The Top Ten Uniforms in College Football, Pt. 2

And you thought I wasn't going to finish it.

8. Texas A&M

The Aggies are the first of many teams in this countdown that feature a classic collegiate look, but that's only because that is the best thing there is. Even in the current state of college football uniform design, quite a few teams still choose to stick with tradition (mostly those that win football games), so picking the best tends to ride on a specific quality or qualities that make one team stand out from the pack. A&M looks especially slick when they (rarely) suit up in all-maroon:

But the feature of their uniform that has always stood out to me, and that earns them a spot on this list, is their helmet decal. The design of the logo itself isn't all that special, but just look at the way it dominates the side of the helmet.

It's huge!

Apart from Boise State's terrible one-sided Nike pro combat helmet, it's got to be the biggest in the game.

They do very often run into the problem with chinstraps falling over the logo, though, as seen above. And I could do without the gray outline around the numbers.

On a personal level, I would like wish the Aggies nothing but failure, and may the Oklahoma Sooners send them off on November 5th with an even worse beating than in 2003 (77-0).


Here's another instance in which the uniforms change so often that it's hard to know what you are rewarding, or in turn, dumping on. Arizona has shown quite a bevy of uniform combos this year:

And those are just the home games. For the most part, these kind of suck. But I just love their all-blue look. Here it is from a year or two ago when they were sporting some unfortunate red piping/striping.

Still, I'd rather that than the new interpretation, which features red-and-white or red-and-blue stripes that fade to white (or blue) in a pixelated dissolve, not unlike a Windows 95 screen saver, on both the pants and the helmets, as you can see on Mr. Parish, below.

But even these can't push the Wildcats off my list, and remain a DISTANT second in the stupid looking pant stripe of the year award.

Coming up next....

A look at how Oklahoma edges out Alabama in uniform design, as well as in winning national championships. (13 is a lie.)

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